Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tree Mural

After all of the hemming and hawing I had done over the wall color picking a theme or accent wall was something I wasn't too keen on doing until I stumbled onto an image of a tree mural when I Googled nursery ideas.  As you all well know I love nature, flowers, and my garden but if it's one thing I have a serious attachment to it's trees!  I left this entirely up to the creative muse in the house with just a tad bit of supervising (which I do very well by the way!)  Here are the pics from start to finish and I love, love, love the results!

Taping the outline

Outline completed

Painting the trunk and branches

Trunk and branches sans leaves

Painting the leaves

Adding more leaves in different colors

The finished project
It was Daddy's idea to have each branch have three leaves;
one for each of us =)

A small request of mine that this be added to the trunk

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