Sunday, August 21, 2011

1st photo shoot

Here are some of my favorites from my 1st photo shoot with Emerson....trying to capture the newness of her.  Call me a little partial but I think she's a pretty beautiful baby!

Watch me grow!

I purchased these cute monthly iron on transfers from Etsy to put on Em's onesies each month.  I can't wait to see the difference each month and I'm especially excited to see what 12 months looks like in comparison =)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Maternity pictures

A few of my favorites from the photo shoot my friend & neighbor Dana did for me when I was about 8 months pregnant.

Friday, August 19, 2011

A few firsts

Quite a few firsts to experience once we arrived home....

1st night in the crib


1st sponge bath

1st time in the swing

Going for a walk

Tummy time with Daddy


Flowers and well wishes were plentiful in the days following our return home.  Not only did we receive beautiful flowers and cards, but multiple friends brought us homemade dinners to ease our transition back to a routine.

Flowers from Auntie Gretchy & Uncle Tom

Flowers from Daddy

Flowers from Nana & GP

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our 1st night home

The first night home as our new little family Daddy & I celebrated with a toast to Emerson Grace....

Bella Baby Photography

Here are my favorites from Emerson's first photo shoot by Bella Baby.

One day new

On August 9th our lives were forever changed when we were joined by a beautiful, healthy baby girl.  She came into this world a little grumpy looking but you would too under the circumstances in which she arrived.  Daddy says she looked like his Grampa Chief in that moment but regardless of who she looks like we were so happy to have her in our arms finally.

Getting ready to meet our baby girl

In our lunch lady & lunch man outfits as Daddy referred to them

A few minutes old in Daddy's arms

Nice to meet you!

In her "bed" at the hospital

A happy but exhausted Daddy!